For couples or nuclear families, the V.I.P Suite room provides the ideal lodging facility. Spacious, yet cozy, the V.I.P Suites provide you with every creature comfort you could want in a hotel room. Facilities like cable TV, hot water faucet, and Internet on demand are just a few things that we offer to make you feel at home.
For couples or nuclear families, the V.I.P Suite room provides the ideal lodging facility. Spacious, yet cozy, the V.I.P Suites provide you with every creature comfort you could want in a hotel room. Facilities like cable TV, hot water faucet, and Internet on demand are just a few things that we offer to make you feel at home.
For couples or nuclear families, the V.I.P Suite room provides the ideal lodging facility. Spacious, yet cozy, the V.I.P Suites provide you with every creature comfort you could want in a hotel room. Facilities like cable TV, hot water faucet, and Internet on demand are just a few things that we offer to make you feel at home.
For couples or nuclear families, the V.I.P Suite room provides the ideal lodging facility. Spacious, yet cozy, the V.I.P Suites provide you with every creature comfort you could want in a hotel room. Facilities like cable TV, hot water faucet, and Internet on demand are just a few things that we offer to make you feel at home.
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B.R. Jindal Super Market, D- wing, Jalna.
+91-2482 – 241297/98/99
B.R. Jindal Super Market, D- wing, Jalna.
+91-2482 – 241297/98/99